This event has passed.

Water-Efficient Sales Tax Free Weekend
May 26, 2018 - May 28, 2018
The 2018 holiday begins Saturday, May 26, and goes through Monday, May 28 (Memorial Day).
You can buy certain water-conserving products tax free during the holiday period. These items are only exempt when you buy them for use at your residential property. There is no limit on the number of qualifying items you can buy.
You can buy items tax free during the holiday that are used or planted for:
- conserving or retaining groundwater;
- recharging water tables; or
- decreasing ambient air temperature, and so limiting water evaporation.
Examples of items that qualify for the exemption include:
- a soaker or drip-irrigation hose
- a moisture control for a sprinkler or irrigation system
- mulch
- a rain barrel or an alternative rain and moisture collection system
- a permeable ground cover surface that allows water to reach underground basins, aquifers or water collection points
- plants, trees and grasses
- water-saving surfactants
- soil and compost