Collect All 6 Of These Cute And Colorful Cacti!

Though they may be tough and prickly, there’s something so dang cute about an indoor cactus in a little pot! There are plenty of colorful types to choose from, so you can easily accumulate an impressive collection. And unlike Beanie Babies, Pogs, or Spiderman action figures, this is a collection that will add some serious style to your home!   

No cacti collection is complete without these 6 much-loved varieties! Plants for All Seasons is pretty much the go-to destination for cute cactus types in Houston, so visit us at the shop or place an order over the phone to add to your treasure trove of houseplants! 

6 Cactus Types No Plant Collector Should Be Without

These low-maintenance, easy beginner houseplants are perfect for decorating window sills and shelves. You can go minimalist and place one on its own, but personally, we love arranging a whole bunch of different colored varieties all together! You wouldn’t want them to get lonely, would you? Houseplants need friends!


Golden Barrel Cactus

The butter-yellow spines of this spherical plant create the illusion of a golden glow surrounding it! It doesn’t need to be watered very frequently, but when you do, make sure you water it thoroughly in well-draining soil, with a pot that has drainage holes. Let the soil dry out completely before watering again. It likes lots of sun, so a South-facing window is an ideal spot.

While fertilizer isn’t really necessary, if your plant is mature and well-established, a little fertilizer may help to stimulate the production of pastel yellow, bell-shaped flowers. If there’s ample room in the container, it may sprout little “pups,” which can be propagated into an entirely new plant!


Moon Cactus

This funky variety is kind of a Frankenstein plant—it’s actually two different cacti fused together! The top portion, which usually comes in a shade of red, orange, yellow, or pink, becomes that color because it no longer produces chlorophyll, the stuff that turns plants green. It’s still able to survive because it’s connected to the lower, fully-functioning base that can still photosynthesize and create sugars.  

This peculiar hybrid does best in bright, indirect sunlight, with infrequent, but thorough watering. Make sure the soil doesn’t stay soggy, because that can lead to root rot. When it comes to these desert dwellers, overwatering is definitely riskier than underwatering! 

Ladyfinger Cactus

The long, finger-like stems of this spiny succulent are pretty funny looking, but the vivid fuchsia blossoms are absolutely incredible! They explode with color in the spring, making for one of the showiest varieties you’ll ever see. Sunshine or partial shade, infrequent watering, and the occasional sprinkling of some fertilizer will help this beauty to bloom brightly. Find a fertilizer that’s specifically formulated for succulents and follow the package directions closely!


Christmas Cactus

For some fabulous winter color, this popular holiday houseplant is known for its bright pink or red flowers that bloom around December. It’s quite an interesting variety in terms of its growth habit—it almost looks like a cross between a succulent and a Boston fern! Its long, waxy, segmented foliage tends to grow outward and down, spilling out like a fountain, with its flowers appearing on the very tip of each leaf. So, if you’ve got a pretty large one with lots of leaves, you’re going to be in for a pretty incredible display once Christmas rolls around!  

In the spring, after it has bloomed, give it a bit of fertilizer. Then in summer, it will appreciate being brought outside in a shady spot so it can bask in the heat. Bring it back inside before it starts to cool down, and you’ll get to enjoy this beauty for many more holiday seasons to come! 


Bunny Ear Cactus

If the fact that it’s shaped like a bunny isn’t enough proof of this plant’s critically-high levels of cuteness, the little white polka dots definitely take the cake. It’s waxy green flesh contrasts with its tiny, fuzzy, white spine clusters, creating the appearance of bright spots that look like a pattern from a Betsey Johnson dress. 

Now, as adorable as it may seem, resist the urge to pet the bunny! Those little spines have some serious grip and are very difficult to remove from your skin if they get stuck. Wear protective gloves whenever you’re handling this deceptively darling plant, and place it in a spot that isn’t likely to get bumped by pets, kids, or houseguests.  


Also known as ball cacti, due to their globular shape, this family of succulents include many different varieties, with spectacular flowers in shades of red, orange, pink, or yellow. They prefer partial shade and are pretty sensitive to bright, direct sunlight during peak daylight hours, so it’s best if you can find a spot that just gives them a bit of sun in the morning or late afternoon. 

Unlike the others on this list, Parodia prefers to have their soil more on the moist side during spring and summer, their active growing months. Now, don’t go overboard and totally soak the soil, because that can still lead to root rot. Just water it consistently, don’t let it dry out for too long, and make sure the container has drainage holes. In fall and winter, scale back on how often you water, and let the soil dry out for a longer period. 


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Ready to start expanding your collection of houseplants? These low-maintenance favorites are easy to look after, so you won’t get overwhelmed by the upkeep. Visit us in-store, or order over the phone for home delivery or curbside pickup!